Thursday, June 19, 2014

Business Official

Yep it's official, I am a business woman now ;p
I have just ordered my first batch of business cards!!!
I must say I did an awesome job. They are just as cute and fun as me!!! They definitely match my personality!!!!! :) I am so excited to start handing these out!!! 
You know another way of marketing your business is by simply leaving your business card EVERYWHERE YOU GO!!!
Going to the mall? Hit up the bathroom, leave a few on the sink.
Going to the gym? Leave a few on the equipment or in the locker rooms.
Going to the coffee shop? Leave a few on a couple of tables!
Going anywhere you think your targeted audience might be at? LEAVE A FEW CARDS!!!!!

Here's what my Cards look like

I love it!!! I just absolutely LOVE it!!!! So excited! Just SO EXCITED!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Hey everyone!

So today I definitely cracked down on my marketing strategies. As many of you know I run my own business from home, partnered up with an amazing health and wellness company. My targeted audiece is mainly families because this health and wellness company offers a variety of 100% ALL NATURAL products, one of them being household cleaning products. With a lot of knowledge about the chemicals in other products it was very important to me to keep my home CHEMICAL FREE because of my daughter. I wouldn't want to clean around her with CHEMICAL. I want to be able to share this amazing breakthrough with other families so they can make their home a CLEAN, CHEMICAL FREE home also!! :)

I tried a brain storming 120 ideas. Of those 120 maybe only 5 of them actually seems achieveable on my budget (FREE!)
1) LABOR & DELIEVERY: I know many hospitals give "baby bags" to families after giving birth. I called my local L&D dept to see if I could add a flyer to the bags and they informed me the bags actually came from another company but the manager says she loves what I am doing and what I have to offer so she told me I could instead leave the flyers on the nurses station for new moms AND VISITORS to take :) all for FREE! How's that for a WIN! ;)
2) REAL ESTATE: I contacted my local real estate offices and officers to see if they would like the idea of leaving a "move-in/ WELCOME HOME" gift for the new owners filled with some of my amazing products, seeing as they are for use around the household it would be a wonderful way to welcome and leave a "personal touch" to seeing a home.
3) DAYCARE: okay this one was HUGE for me because of all of the kids in a daycare! I mean hello! Who wants to let their child play with a chemical covered toy? Obviously it needs to be sterilized and most day cares use CLOROX wipes. Clorox? Around my child? NO THANK YOU! I am working to make my island a better place for the "keiki". To keep them healthy and clean without those harsh chemicals
4) CLEANING BUSINESSES: this was another big one for me, these poor people are just intoxicating their lungs and the rest of their bodies by being in contact with and breathing in these harsh chemicals EVERYDAY! Also now they may offer a "green clean" to their clients, I'm sure they would appreciate that ;)
5) GYMS: every gym needs to clean/sterilize all or their equipment so why use harsh chemicals to do so? Hundreds of people are going in and out of there. And the people that need to clean them? They're the ones having no choice but to inhale that nasty chemical smell. It also calls for a healthier body, which if you're going to the gym; you're probably interested in.

So those were a few of my "brilliant" ideas. They seem to be working out pretty well. I hope this may help some of you. If you want help or want more info on what I do... go to

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New Domain

I am so excited to announce that I have just bought my very first domain name for my business!!! :) I am so excited to grow my business online and reach millions of people to help enhance their lives!!! It is just amazing how much of an impact.on tiny little 5 min conversation can have on someone's life! It could definitely change someone's life for the better!!! :) you can now visit me at

So excited for the things I will do!!! :)
Have a great day everyone!!!!! ;)

XOXO! bre <3

Sunday, June 15, 2014


I just want to take a moment to say Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there! Especially the one's that have taken over the role of "daddy". To do so you really need to be a man with a genuinely loving heart and kind mind :) I praise you daddies today! We just got back from our annual trout fishing trip! :)

Also would love to give a huge huge loving HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my "baby daddy", Dane. You have grown into such an incredible man and provider for our Ohana.  I could not begin to thank you enough for all you've done and continue to do for Sophia and I. You truly surprised me :) I'm proud of the man you are today. I love you with all of my heart and more!!!

Happy DADDIES day guys!!!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Just another perk

So yesterday I took the day off. I mean really took the day off. I started my morning making lactation macarons and spent the rest of the day jist playing with my baby girl. She is so incredibly smart! I am one PROUD MAMA!!!! Guys! It really makes a difference staying hoke and having that one on one with your child. They learn SO MUCH! You know the brain grows the moat in the first 3 years?! They are like sponges!!!! I advise every parent to just TALK to your child. Even if they are a day old! TALK TO THEM!!! and not in a baby voice. Talk to them like a normal person. Like you were having a conversation with your best friend! I talk to Sophia all day, everyday. And it is just amazing how many words she can say and how well she speaks for a 14month old. We are always complimented on how well she speaks and how much she can say CLEARLY!

Okay okay so that was a bit of a proud mommy brag there ;p sorry! Anyway! Hope you all have an AWESOME day! Take the time to kiss your little one today! :)

XOXO, bre!

Check out how I from home

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Breastfeeding Mamas

I have some reeeeeally exciting news for you breastfeeding mamas!!!!! I am making lactation macarons!!!!! You get to eat these yummy french macarons all while BOOSTING YOUR MILK SUPPLY!!! I am so excited for these!!! This is actually my own personal recipe. I haven't found anything like this on the internet! I am starting today and with the growing number of breastfeeding moms I am hoping to be able to give lots of moms the opportunity to try these! I just simply cannot explain how excited I am for these!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

First Order

Yay! Just finished up my first Etsy order. Packed up and ready to go to its happy owner!!! So happy I got to do this for her! Everything I make, I make it with LOVE! now she will evwn have a piece of my love in her babies nursery! :) & THAT is why I do this. All for the Love for babies :) hence the shop name :)

200 Pageviews!

Okay so I am just like totally excited! My blog has reached 200 pageviews, some of you may be rolling your eyes at me right now but hey, I'm stoked! From an average girl on a little island in the middle of the pacific? I don't even talk to 200 people so it's a pretty huge number for me ;p As you all know I am a stay at home mommy, so I pretty much use this blog to let you all know what I'm into and what's going on in our lives. Like my crafting and my business it's all a wonderful experience/journey and I'm so happy to have you all following us on it :)
Hope to keep you guys interested and tuning in for all the other exciting things happening/being posted.

Check out how I work from home

Monday, June 9, 2014

New on Etsy

So I have just finished uploading my second item to my Etsy shop. I just want to encourage you all to check it out and share with your friends and family!!! :) items make grrrrreat baby shower gifts!!! :) I hope you all get a chance to check it out. My shop is called Love4babies

Check out how I work from home:

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Redecorating and Reorganizing

Today I am on a mission to redecorate and reorganize our bedroom. I'm thinking of changing the sceme to more teals and bluish colors!! :) Pier 1 just opened up here and they have soooo many amazing things!!! :) although I'm not sure how much shopping I'll get done with the other half over my shoulder ;p right?! My father in law keeps bringing home all of these beautiful mirrors and other furniture from hotels (he does renovations there). So I am thinking of putting up a big beautiful mirror, possibly painting it to match the room a bit better? Right now it is a dark wood frame. Not sure how well that'll match, but we'll see :) So excited to do something new to our room! It is long overdue! Its been about a year since we changed things up... yikes! And right now it is a light green and beige color sceme. I may post pictures if I finish enough of it! :)
Hope you all are having a beautiful weekend!!! XOXO <3

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Look...

Everyone like the new look? I though it was time for some change and to ass a little more cuteness to this blog, the other one was so teenage girly pink! LOL, seeing as I am like out of my teens I should be more "grown up" LOL! I downloaded the template from this website: shabby blogs . It has the cutest templates ever!!! :) It's my style :) I like that sort of vintage look! :) Well hope this template is a little easier on the eyes ;p Thanks for checking out my blog and all the love you've all shown!!!

Check out how this mama works from home:


I cannot go on enough about how much I LOOOOOOVE my cleaners that I just got in the mail! And the fact that they are 100% all natural and chemical free is just a huge bonus! They smell amazing! They take out stains from anywhere you could possibly imagine! I could go on for years and years about how wonderful this amazing stuff is! The absolute best part is I can clean while Sophia is around, I am not worried about her inhaling chemicals or anything like that, in fact I got her in on the fun and had her wiping the sofa down :) Free labor ;p LOL! But seriously guys! I wish I knew about these so much sooner! And the laundry detergent? JUST AMAZING! I catch Sophia sticking her face in and smelling every single load out of the dryer ;) I am IN LOVE!!!! Any other healthy and all natural moms out there that care about the environment?! I'd just love to share this amazingness with EVERYONE! If I could yell from the top of a building I'd preach about this stuff! Hehe! Seriously this is something every mom should know about!!! Okay now that you know I'm crazy about cleaning you may continue to go about your day ;p LOL!
Have a nice day guys!!!! :)

Check out this working mama:

Okay so here are some pictures of my sofa I cleaned (This is my in-laws furniture: mind you it has never been cleaned, that's like 20yrs of nastiness piled up)

And like the space case that I am, I forgot to take "before" pictures until I realized what a big diff it made... So this one is just an idea of how dirty it WAS (it was actually a little more dirty this pic is after a little bit of cleaning, then I realized I should have taken pictures)

This is our Loveseat sofa AFTER cleaning

And this is our full sized sofa AFTER cleaning....

Wanting Another....

Soooo as much as I love love love my growing baby girl, I can't help but to have baby fever! Everyone around me is having babies and I just reminisce about when Sophia was a newborn and that tiny little everything on her! AAAAAAH! But on the other hand I love spending my days with just her and giving her so much attention, I realize how advanced she is compared to other kids her age whose parents do no get a lot of time to spend with them. I am grateful that I have such a wonderful provider and that I have this opportunity to work from home, I can't explain how much it truly means to me. We have so much more to accomplish before we can add another Little Buggy to this family... But knowing that a baby is at the end of this journey makes everything worth it! I know that once we do all that is needed I can have another little one in my arms :) Hopefully sooner than we plan ;p Any other mamas with Baby Fever out there that has to wait?! Waiting is such a paaaaaaain ):

Get the details on this working mama... check out:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

WHEEEEE! Etsy shop now OPEN!!!

Soooo I have just opened my Etsy Shop! Way to get the ball rolling here!!! :) My shop is named "love4babies"" so if you wanna go check it out that'd be AWESOME! I specialize in making cute little things for babies, such as those quiet door bumpers I had in one of my earlier posts. I seriously use them on all doors in my house they are now a necessity! Haha! But anyways it's just starting so that is the only thing I have listed for now, I will be working on more things to list today! I'm thinking light switches ;) Stick around to find out, I'll keep ya posted ;)
Whoo! SO EXCITED! Go check it out guys!!!! Love ya all!!!

XOXO. bre!

Getting The Ball Rolling

Sooo many exciting things happening in our lives it's hard to keep up with them all ;)
The other half is buying a truck... meeeeaning we are actually going to have car payments... NOOOOO! I hate being in debt :/ but it'll benefit my family and it makes him happy... I really believe the saying should be "happy hubby, happy life" LOL! So now it's time for me to actually WORK my butt off at home meaning I'll be getting into a bunch of different things, mostly selling on my Etsy shop (that I have yet to set up >.<) yikes! But also running my little at home business :) SO happy that I still get to stay home with Sophia though :) Mainly we just can't stand the cost of childcare here (rolling my eyes) haha! It is sooo much cheaper for me to just stay home and enjoy our little one! :)
Anywhoooo I'm back to writing everyday, stick around! Also ANYONE interested in just learning HOW i work from home an afford to pay the bills, check out my website:
You can get the details and learn more about what we have going on :) So excited for this time in our lives, Love you all!

XOXO, bre!

Monday, May 26, 2014

First Project!!!! YAY!!!!

So this the fist sewing project that I'm officially putting up on my blog.... YAY FINALLY!!! Lol. But let mw tell you a bit about this project. It is almost like a door stopper but it just blocks the door from latching and closing completely. I love it because it makes it quiet so I use it when Sophia is asleep. It also helps her to be independent. Not sure abiut you other moms but I put Sophia in the room to sleep and I shut the door, this particular "contraption" is perfect because I just hang a tank top from her door and she is able to open the door and come out on her own when she is awake from her nap. Now I actually do plan to sell these for only $2!! TWO DOLLARS!!! mainly because this batch was a practice and it seems reasonable! :) below I have the different ones available. You can email me ( and let me know if you'd like to purchase one and if there is a certain color or theme you'd like then I would be glad to accommodate! :) I will also be inculding these in the baby gift baskets... keep a look out for those! ;)
Here are some photos...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Enhancing Lives

I would like to take a moment to reach out to families with children or families with illnesses and allergies. I recently started shopping at a ALL NATURAL store. I get all of my household cleaning products, bath and body products, and vitamin supplements from them. They have absolutely NO CHEMICALS!!! Which has become very important to me since Sophia was born. I really don't like using chemicals around my child and I don't like worrying about her getting a hold of something poisonous. Now that I have found this AMAZING store I am just wanting to share EVERYTHING about it to EVERY FAMILY! I feel it is so important to be aware of what we have in our household. Studies have shown that there are more than 40 products in a home that has at least 5 known ingredients to cause CANCER! I have lost my great-grandmother and Aunt to Breast Cancer and I feel very thankful to have the option of a healthier, CLEANER home for me and my family! I would LOVE the opportunity to share this AMAZING store with YOU! please anyone that has the slightest interest, you may send me an email: for more info. I hope to enhance some of your lives!!!!

XOXO, bre!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stay at Home Moms

I am currently seeking stay at home moms who are wanting to work from home. We have helped so many familes to work oout of the comfort of their own home while earning a substantial income! I would love the chanve to just speak about this opportunity with you all. Go ahead an check out my website for more details!!

XOXO, bre!

Breakfast... My French Toast Recipe... PERFECTED!!

So I woke up early enough to get laundry done and clothes folded all before 7:30am! Woo-hoo!! I am on a roll today! I even made Sophia a "gourmet breakfast" lol. I made her some french toast and papayas! :) yummmmmm!! She's loving it right now! I have officially perfected my french toast recipe! The two dishes that my other half absolutely LOVES are my waffles and my french toast. Normally I'll make the french toast with eggs, milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Today I was getting started on my french toast and low and behold.... NO VANILLA EXTRACT :( But I did compromise, instead of using milk I decided I'd use Coffee Mate French Vanilla Creamer, BEST DECISION EVERRRRR!!! The french toast came out fluffy and a tiny bit sweeter. It tastes AWESOME!!! I'll do a quick recipe just in case there's someone out there that's unsure of how to make french toast ;p

What you'll need:
Bread- I used a slice of sweet bread but any type will do
1 egg
CoffeeMate French Vanilla creamer- about 1/2 tbs
Ground Cinnamon

What to do:
Crack your egg into a bowl
Add creamer
Add a dash of cinnamon
Mix the mixture vigorously (as if you were scrambling the egg)
Place slice of bread into mixture
Be sure the bread gets mixture on both sides, and not too much of the mixture or else there will be like scrambled eggs on your bread and that's what it will taste like ;p
Place the bread in pan on medium heat
You don't want to cook it too long, maybe about 2-3mins each side
You will see some nice brown spots... that's good :)
Then I repeat with however many slices you need, this makes about 2-3 slices

Here's a picture of Sophia's breakfast this morning :)

Want to work from home? Give my website a look:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Working from Home...

Does anyone else feel that working from home is such a luxury?! Okay.... maybe not when you have a few kiddos running around making a mess of everything, but possibly because at least you'll be there to mess alongside them ;) I embrace messes, I make the messes with my daughter, I clean up her mess when the day is done and she is off in lalaland dreaming of more messes ;p I am so thankful that I have come across this opportunity to work from home, I honestly see it paying off every single day, I have a few hours in the morning dedicated to work then the rest of the day I'm free to play and grow with my baby ;) I cannot explain the joy it brings me to be able to keep up the house and my child and still being able to help my other half with finances! We are on our way to absolute financial freedom! I am just so ecstatic about it all it really does blow my mind, this is the best luxury that no money can buy!!! What are you waiting for?! Work at home with me! earn an income while being with your children! If you're not a mom? That works too!! You'll be able to earn an incredilble income from your home, leaving you to be able to do WAAAAY more than some job would give you free time for!! When you're ready to start you can check out my website:
I hope you guys will find what you need!!! :)

XOXO, bre!

Play Dough Fail!!

So I have just tried to make Play Dough from a recipie I stumbled upon on Pinterest.... the famous pinterest DIY's one of the very few that I have rried. Now I have made homemade Play Dough before and the recipie I had used a year ago called for cream of I don't have cream of tartar soooo I had to look up another recipie that didn't use cream of tartar. Now after trying both of them I definitely see/feel the difference and I am SO unhappy with the results of the recent play dough (without cream of tartar). It is not as moldable and the saly bits are stillhuge in the play dough. I don't like it at all... Now the recipie WITH cream of tartar, that one was awesome. It felt just loke play dough, it was a little more work because you had to cook it but in my opinion that was like nothing thats barely "work"... so advice to all you DIYer's just go out and buy the cream of tartar if you don't have it in your home. IT IS WORTH IT!!!! It is waaaay better than wasting a whole batch of flour,salt and food coloring... I learned my lesson!! Lol
Now if you read my previous post from earlier this morning you would know I was supposed to be CLEANING, I got side tracked and made a bigger mess for myself to clean ;p LOL.... Oh the perks of working from home ;p

Checkout how to work from home with me:

Busy Busy Busy!!

Whew! Such a busy weekend! Lots and lots of parties!! 2 baby showers and 1 early graduation party and 1 birthday party DONE! Haha! I feel like I barely had time to breathe there! It took a lot of coffee for sure! I am excited to kick off my work week today with a good friend who is becoming a business builder with me!! She's pregnant with her first little one and wants to be able to enjoy the perks of staying at home but we all know that times are hard and she needs some financial freedom, so glad she chose to contact ME about working from home and I'm so excited to help her and guide her through it all!! You're never alone on our team!! :) But today is also a busy day of cleaning, it's amazing what a few days of neglecting the cleaning will do to the home! I am shocked and overwhelmed  by just the sight of everything I have to do around the home today! But that's okay! I got my little helper with me! Sophia LOOOOVES cleaning! She does very well with cleaning up her toys and wiping around and mopping, boy does she love mopping! Haha! I hope all you at home mommies there (or anyone wanting to find financial freedom) check out my website and leave me some info so you can learn more!

Helping families achieve financial freedom:
So excited to hear from you all!!! :)

Friday, May 16, 2014


Guys, I am so excited that the Health and Wellness company I am teamed up with is announcing some BIG BIG things!! This is just amazing!! I am so excited for the new products and also the cheap prices!!! I really really encourage you to get the details at my website! It's more so giving me your details then I call you and let you know about all the awesome stuff that's happening! This company is great if you're the type of person that's into ALL NATURAL things, and especially great if you have children!!!! I hope you guys give it a shot and check it out! ..... yes this is also the site that I help mom's out to work from home so if you're interested in working from home check it out!!! :)
Hope to hear from some of you and reach out to you to enhance your lives :)

XOXO, bre!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Today's Activities

Today is a busy day for Sophia and I. We got a late start to our morning, it's just so hard for us to wake up some mornings (not complaining about what a late sleeper my daughter is ;p) lol! I got laundry done yesterday so today is the major cleaning, mopping sweeping, vacuuming, sanitizing, EVERYTHING! Sophia had her french toast for breakfast, I got some of my work done, (remember to check out my website if you want to work at home the way I do! Link at the bottom), now she's going down for a nap and I am updating my blog and folding laundry. Who know's the mommy multitasking?! Can I get a show of hands! Lol! I wouldn't trade it for the world though. I love being with my baby and watching her grow and spending so much time with her! Luckily she is also a very independent child so I have time to get work and cleaning done :) I hope everyone has an enjoyable day  :)

XOXO, bre!

Want to work from home?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Whoops! Website link here!

Sorry this is the link to my website, NEW BLOGGER ALERT! LOL I had no idea you actually had to insert the link into the post! Sorry if some of you could not access the site!

Cleaning? No.

So today is a cleaning day for Sophia and I and this morning I asked her (in a very excited way) "Sophia are you ready to clean today?!" and she simply replies "no" and walks over to her toys... excuuuuuuse me! Has any other moms gotten that from their 13 MONTH old child?! At first I was very shocked, then came the laughter and the immediate thought of "Oh crap! I am in for an interesting 18 years!" Haha! The day I actually WANT to clean my little helper decides she'd rather just make a mess with her toys instead. Of course! Welcome to the first year mommy! Lol! Much more of where that came from!! Hope everyone else has a good day (and also able to get some cleaning done ;p)

XOXO, bre!


Whoop Whoop! I got my website up and running!! Mommies that want to work from home can now reach me at
You can fill out a request info form there for more information!! Look forward to working with you mommies to earning an income and staying home with your little ones!! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Happy Happy

I have officially started my online marketing for my business building! YAY! I can now reach other mommies across the country to Work From Home the way I do! I'm so excited!! :) I feel like I'm finally getting back on my feet after being out of work for a year with my little one! Even Sophia is feeling the good vibes, she sings that song "Happy" mind you she is only 13mos, she walks around the house singing "happy happy happy". Yes we are very Happy Happy Happy!! :) I can't wait for it all the take off and I can start providing more for my family! :) I hope everyone else is having a great day and picking themselves up if they feel down!! I'm here to help everyone!!!!!! :)

XOXO, bre!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Review on my "About Me"

Hey so I know that in my About Me section I had said that I would start to sell my little gift baskets and sewing projects! I WILL STILL BE DOING THAT! I just haven't gotten around to posting any of my sample baskets because I have been busy with my new business, so please STAY TUNED FOR THOSE GIFTS! I will not let you down I PROMISE!! :)

I'm Back!!! WAHM!

Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long!! I have actually been so busy catching up on life and getting our little fam together! Recently started my own business, officially a Work At Home Mom... YAAAAY (claps). I could not be more excited and thankful for this opportunity! I am part of a team so it is so awesome and really is about teamwork so YOU'RE NEVER ALONE!! That really is the best part because sometimes you begin to feel discouraged and you just need a someone to support you and tell you you can keep going! I am currently helping other Mommies to be able to stay at home with their little ones and enjoy them, all while making a really reasonable income! I am so excited for everything that lies ahead and cannot wait to start working with you Mommies out there!!! I will soon have my official website up and running. Until then you may contact me for more info through this blog or send me a quick email of interest at Hope to hear from some of you!! XOXO

Thursday, April 3, 2014

More to come!

Yay! My first post on my new blog!! I'm just going to tell you all a little bit about myself and give a quick summary of some of the things you can expect to see on this blog. Okay, ready? My name is Breana Silva, first time mama, first time blogger so hopefully I do this right! Lol. I live in Hawai'i and I have been staying home with my baby girl Sophia for a year now, she just made 1 a couple weeks ago.. YAY! So in Hawai'i a baby's first birthday is actually a big deal. So we spend months planning these huge parties for a little babies first birthday, most of the time it is for the whole family to actually MEET the baby for the first time. It's crazy, our families are so big not everyone can be blessed to see the child through the first year! So needless to say I just got through with the craziness of baby Soph's first birthday party (and the two weeks of recovery after it all), we'll go more into detail about the party in later posts. But as for now, I have decided that her party was such a success and I have a lot of time on my hands so I figured "Hey, why not help other plan successful parties?" I have a lot of time on my hands so I would be able to help out a lot! There are a few special people that helped me pull off such a great party, so I wanted to thank them in a special way... I decided to make Gift "baskets". These gift baskets are not tacky gifts, they are clever and are filled with things people actually USE! Lol. And there's always a little something handmade in there for some personal touches... I'll post some pictures and descriptions in another post :)

So that's basically what you can look forward to in this blog! Hope you guys stay tuned and enjoy!