So yesterday I took the day off. I mean really took the day off. I started my morning making lactation macarons and spent the rest of the day jist playing with my baby girl. She is so incredibly smart! I am one PROUD MAMA!!!! Guys! It really makes a difference staying hoke and having that one on one with your child. They learn SO MUCH! You know the brain grows the moat in the first 3 years?! They are like sponges!!!! I advise every parent to just TALK to your child. Even if they are a day old! TALK TO THEM!!! and not in a baby voice. Talk to them like a normal person. Like you were having a conversation with your best friend! I talk to Sophia all day, everyday. And it is just amazing how many words she can say and how well she speaks for a 14month old. We are always complimented on how well she speaks and how much she can say CLEARLY!
Okay okay so that was a bit of a proud mommy brag there ;p sorry! Anyway! Hope you all have an AWESOME day! Take the time to kiss your little one today! :)
XOXO, bre!
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