Thursday, June 19, 2014
Business Official
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
So today I definitely cracked down on my marketing strategies. As many of you know I run my own business from home, partnered up with an amazing health and wellness company. My targeted audiece is mainly families because this health and wellness company offers a variety of 100% ALL NATURAL products, one of them being household cleaning products. With a lot of knowledge about the chemicals in other products it was very important to me to keep my home CHEMICAL FREE because of my daughter. I wouldn't want to clean around her with CHEMICAL. I want to be able to share this amazing breakthrough with other families so they can make their home a CLEAN, CHEMICAL FREE home also!! :)
I tried a brain storming 120 ideas. Of those 120 maybe only 5 of them actually seems achieveable on my budget (FREE!)
1) LABOR & DELIEVERY: I know many hospitals give "baby bags" to families after giving birth. I called my local L&D dept to see if I could add a flyer to the bags and they informed me the bags actually came from another company but the manager says she loves what I am doing and what I have to offer so she told me I could instead leave the flyers on the nurses station for new moms AND VISITORS to take :) all for FREE! How's that for a WIN! ;)
2) REAL ESTATE: I contacted my local real estate offices and officers to see if they would like the idea of leaving a "move-in/ WELCOME HOME" gift for the new owners filled with some of my amazing products, seeing as they are for use around the household it would be a wonderful way to welcome and leave a "personal touch" to seeing a home.
3) DAYCARE: okay this one was HUGE for me because of all of the kids in a daycare! I mean hello! Who wants to let their child play with a chemical covered toy? Obviously it needs to be sterilized and most day cares use CLOROX wipes. Clorox? Around my child? NO THANK YOU! I am working to make my island a better place for the "keiki". To keep them healthy and clean without those harsh chemicals
4) CLEANING BUSINESSES: this was another big one for me, these poor people are just intoxicating their lungs and the rest of their bodies by being in contact with and breathing in these harsh chemicals EVERYDAY! Also now they may offer a "green clean" to their clients, I'm sure they would appreciate that ;)
5) GYMS: every gym needs to clean/sterilize all or their equipment so why use harsh chemicals to do so? Hundreds of people are going in and out of there. And the people that need to clean them? They're the ones having no choice but to inhale that nasty chemical smell. It also calls for a healthier body, which if you're going to the gym; you're probably interested in.
So those were a few of my "brilliant" ideas. They seem to be working out pretty well. I hope this may help some of you. If you want help or want more info on what I do... go to
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
New Domain
I am so excited to announce that I have just bought my very first domain name for my business!!! :) I am so excited to grow my business online and reach millions of people to help enhance their lives!!! It is just amazing how much of an impact.on tiny little 5 min conversation can have on someone's life! It could definitely change someone's life for the better!!! :) you can now visit me at
So excited for the things I will do!!! :)
Have a great day everyone!!!!! ;)
XOXO! bre <3
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Also would love to give a huge huge loving HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my "baby daddy", Dane. You have grown into such an incredible man and provider for our Ohana. I could not begin to thank you enough for all you've done and continue to do for Sophia and I. You truly surprised me :) I'm proud of the man you are today. I love you with all of my heart and more!!!
Happy DADDIES day guys!!!!!!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Just another perk
So yesterday I took the day off. I mean really took the day off. I started my morning making lactation macarons and spent the rest of the day jist playing with my baby girl. She is so incredibly smart! I am one PROUD MAMA!!!! Guys! It really makes a difference staying hoke and having that one on one with your child. They learn SO MUCH! You know the brain grows the moat in the first 3 years?! They are like sponges!!!! I advise every parent to just TALK to your child. Even if they are a day old! TALK TO THEM!!! and not in a baby voice. Talk to them like a normal person. Like you were having a conversation with your best friend! I talk to Sophia all day, everyday. And it is just amazing how many words she can say and how well she speaks for a 14month old. We are always complimented on how well she speaks and how much she can say CLEARLY!
Okay okay so that was a bit of a proud mommy brag there ;p sorry! Anyway! Hope you all have an AWESOME day! Take the time to kiss your little one today! :)
XOXO, bre!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Breastfeeding Mamas
I have some reeeeeally exciting news for you breastfeeding mamas!!!!! I am making lactation macarons!!!!! You get to eat these yummy french macarons all while BOOSTING YOUR MILK SUPPLY!!! I am so excited for these!!! This is actually my own personal recipe. I haven't found anything like this on the internet! I am starting today and with the growing number of breastfeeding moms I am hoping to be able to give lots of moms the opportunity to try these! I just simply cannot explain how excited I am for these!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
First Order
Yay! Just finished up my first Etsy order. Packed up and ready to go to its happy owner!!! So happy I got to do this for her! Everything I make, I make it with LOVE! now she will evwn have a piece of my love in her babies nursery! :) & THAT is why I do this. All for the Love for babies :) hence the shop name :)
200 Pageviews!
Hope to keep you guys interested and tuning in for all the other exciting things happening/being posted.
Check out how I work from home
Monday, June 9, 2014
New on Etsy
So I have just finished uploading my second item to my Etsy shop. I just want to encourage you all to check it out and share with your friends and family!!! :) items make grrrrreat baby shower gifts!!! :) I hope you all get a chance to check it out. My shop is called Love4babies
Check out how I work from home:
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Redecorating and Reorganizing
Hope you all are having a beautiful weekend!!! XOXO <3
Friday, June 6, 2014
New Look...
Check out how this mama works from home:
Have a nice day guys!!!! :)
Check out this working mama:
Okay so here are some pictures of my sofa I cleaned (This is my in-laws furniture: mind you it has never been cleaned, that's like 20yrs of nastiness piled up)
And like the space case that I am, I forgot to take "before" pictures until I realized what a big diff it made... So this one is just an idea of how dirty it WAS (it was actually a little more dirty this pic is after a little bit of cleaning, then I realized I should have taken pictures)
Wanting Another....
Get the details on this working mama... check out:
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
WHEEEEE! Etsy shop now OPEN!!!
Whoo! SO EXCITED! Go check it out guys!!!! Love ya all!!!
XOXO. bre!
Getting The Ball Rolling
The other half is buying a truck... meeeeaning we are actually going to have car payments... NOOOOO! I hate being in debt :/ but it'll benefit my family and it makes him happy... I really believe the saying should be "happy hubby, happy life" LOL! So now it's time for me to actually WORK my butt off at home meaning I'll be getting into a bunch of different things, mostly selling on my Etsy shop (that I have yet to set up >.<) yikes! But also running my little at home business :) SO happy that I still get to stay home with Sophia though :) Mainly we just can't stand the cost of childcare here (rolling my eyes) haha! It is sooo much cheaper for me to just stay home and enjoy our little one! :)
Anywhoooo I'm back to writing everyday, stick around! Also ANYONE interested in just learning HOW i work from home an afford to pay the bills, check out my website:
You can get the details and learn more about what we have going on :) So excited for this time in our lives, Love you all!
XOXO, bre!